We are 3️⃣5️⃣ days away from #NASIDconf24!
Join @NASID411 as experts and the traffic safety community gather together to discuss the challenges and intricacies around impaired driving, and how it takes us all to make American roadways safer: https://bit.ly/3TSfnNc
Many teens give off an "I Know Everything" confidence vibe, and that can pose significant challenges when it comes to safety behind the wheel ✇
We have created conversation💬 starters to help #parents talk to their teens about being responsible and safe drivers.…
October is #NationalSubstanceAbusePreventionMonth.
By communicating💬 with kids about how cannabis affects the developing brain, parents and educators can help keep kids substance-free!
Learn more from @AskListenLearn:
How Cannabis Affects the Developing Brain
Kids and alcohol don't mix
Alcohol and drug-related crashes are 100% preventable. Avoid making a costly decision this weekend. #MakeAPlan or #DriveSober
Even though you have dropped your kids off at college, it is important to continue conversations about the dangers of underage drinking
Remind them how to say "no" and that the legal drinking age is 21: https://bit.ly/3Y6m7sX #PreventUnderageDrinking