
The National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving is committed to providing education and resources to our members and others in the broader traffic safety community. The following webinars were created to further the discussion of important topics in the field.

Responsibility.org, the National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving (NASID), and the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) have partnered to bring you information on oral fluid screening. Increases in drug and multi-substance impaired driving call for expanded drug testing on the roadside. For officers who are not specially trained in drug impairment...
We all have roles to play in preventing impaired driving. A key component states can employ is utilizing compliance-based removal of ignition interlock devices and other key best practices to reduce recidivism and to save lives. Along with Responsibility.org and the National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving (NASID), examine the...
Alcohol-related fatalities are increasing in the US with an estimated drunk driving death every 45 minutes. As states seek solutions to reduce fatalities, what is your state doing to employ the secret sauce, or all the proven strategies used to maximize the lifesaving benefits of ignition interlock devices? Please join...
As cannabis laws are rapidly changing across the United States, where does impaired driving fit into the discussion? Join the National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving and a panel of experts as we examine the must-have policies and programs to prevent cannabis-impaired and multiple substance-impaired driving. Various resources including our...