What is the “Secret Sauce” States are Using to Help Eliminate Alcohol-Related Crashes and Recidivism?
Alcohol-related fatalities are increasing in the US with an estimated drunk driving death every 45 minutes. As states seek solutions to reduce fatalities, what is your state doing to employ the secret sauce, or all the proven strategies used to maximize the lifesaving benefits of ignition interlock devices? Please join the National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving to examine the state of practice and new considerations on Ignition Interlock Device as an effective and evidence-based countermeasure to combat drunk driving. This webinar will highlight new reports from the National Conference of State Legislators, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and grant incentive opportunities for State Highway Safety Offices.
Date: May 9, 2023 10:00 am
Speakers: Annie Kitch, Robert Ritter, Russ Martin
Moderators: Chris Konschak